Sweet Stracciatella and Fruit Salad

Source: Audrey Hitchcock, Ramini Mozzarella

Recipe Type: | Seasons: ,

This recipe was demonstrated at the Foodwise Classroom on January 20, 2024.

Serves 4

3-4 oranges and other assorted citrus
1 pomegranate or other seasonal fruit
8 ounces of Ramini stracciatella or fresh mozzarella


Prepare the citrus using the suprême method. Remove pomegranate arils or seeds from the fruit.

On a plate, prepare a bed of arugula. Add a few generous dollops of stracciatella on top of the bed of arugula. Arrange citrus suprêmes on top. Sprinkle with pomegranate arils. Drizzle with honey on top and enjoy!

Farmers Market Ingredients