Wishing You a Powerful and Joyful 2020

December 27, 2019

We wholeheartedly wish you a nourishing New Year and decade, filled with good food and community. As we look back on what we have accomplished together, we could not be more grateful for you, our partners in growing thriving communities through the power and joy of local food.

Whether you support our community at the farmers market each weekvolunteer your time at our free community programs, or generously donate to invest in this work, you are contributing to an equitable and regenerative food future for all. Over the last decade, we’ve made so much progress together worth celebrating:

We’ve nearly doubled our farmers markets community through vibrant public spaces that support the livelihoods of 170 small, sustainable family farms and food entrepreneurs.
We’ve served more than 2,500 kids through our free Foodwise Kids and Foodwise Teens education programs, empowering the next generation of food leaders.
We’ve connected millions of community members with fresh, local food
We’ve provided free public programs to develop cooking skills, food systems literacy, and action-oriented solutions. 

The next year will be an exciting big one, and we look forward to continuing this important work with you as we build a world that nourishes all people, local economies, and the living earth. Thank you for every choice you’ve made that is a step closer to this vision.   

Photo by Christopher Che.  Top row: Andrea, Deven, Savannah, Jameil, Christine, Jonathan, Anisha, Katy, Rebecca, Ave. Bottom row: Vance, Ashley, Cindy, Brie. Not pictured: Daryll-Anne, Egan, Lulu, Marcy, Matty, Tessa, Tommy, Travis.
