Volunteer of the Month: Stacey Weir

March 5, 2015

CUESA’s Volunteer of the Month program recognizes the dedication and work of some of our most active volunteers. CUESA relies on volunteers to help with education programs, special events, public outreach, and other activities that help fulfill our mission to cultivate a sustainable food system. Learn more about volunteering and sign up here.

Visit the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market Info Booth on a Saturday, and you’re likely to find regular volunteer Stacey Weir offering helpful advice and seasonal produce tips. She started volunteering with CUESA in the fall of 2011, after having a great time at a CUESA hands-on kimchi class. Since then she’s assisted in the office and during special events, but now she spends most of her CUESA volunteer time helping the Info Booth staff with a smile and great sense of humor.

“Stacey is one of our long-time members of the Info Booth team. She is always in a good mood and ready for a chuckle, even in the early morning hours. No matter how busy a day might be, Stacey’s positive and calm attitude stays strong, and the Info Booth is better for it,” says Theresa Salcedo, Info Booth staff and Foodwise Kids Coordinator. Meet Stacey.

CUESA: Where does your interest in food come from?
Stacey: My mom and great grandmother. My mom always cooked three square meals a day, and my great grandmother made the best apple pies!

CUESA: What do you do when you aren’t volunteering for CUESA?
Stacey: I love to shop at the farmers market and cook for family and friends. I love to read and collect recipes. I also love to ride my bike at the Richmond Marina. It’s like a ride by the coast if you don’t look at the freeway.

CUESA: What is your favorite part about volunteering with CUESA?
Stacey: My favorite part of volunteering at the Info Booth is witnessing the transition of energy over the course of the market day. In the early morning, it’s fairly quiet. At around 10:30, people are waking up and starting to shop. There is a point where everyone is out and excited and looking for certain food vendors or produce. Then towards closing time, people have completed their shopping and the energy starts to level off again. I also love to see what the local chefs are buying. It’s great to see a chef roll by with a cart full of pea pods or fennel. I want to follow them to their restaurants.

CUESA: Do you have an insider market tip or a favorite produce item at the market right now?
Stacey: I had never had green garlic until I sampled it on a cracker with cream cheese from Knoll Farms passing out samples. As Emeril says, “It takes things up a notch. Bam!” Just grate a little on a fresh salad, and there is no need for dressing.
