Volunteer of the Month: Jocelyn Binn

June 22, 2017

CUESA’s Volunteer of the Month program recognizes the dedication and work of some of our most active volunteers. CUESA relies on volunteers to help with education programs, special events, public outreach, and other activities that help fulfill our mission to cultivate a sustainable food system. Learn more about volunteering and sign up here.

When she’s not busy with her studies toward her business administration degree at University of San Francisco, Bay Area native Jocelyn Binn has been an active and indispensable volunteer in CUESA’s education programs, fundraising events, and office support.

“Jocelyn has been a great asset to the CUESA team, working with our students in the Foodwise Kids program, and as a reliable special events volunteer for Summer Celebration and Sunday Supper,” says Volunteer and Special Projects Coordinator Cindy Mendoza. “She can troubleshoot when there’s a technology glitch, construct a visual display, or graciously welcome our guests at registration. She’s someone we lean on, and she does everything with a smile, a great sense of humor, and a can-do positive attitude.” Meet Jocelyn.

CUESA: Where does your interest in food come from?

Jocelyn: My love of food definitely stems from family gatherings. With a large family, comes a lot of food, and we always opt for the potluck parties, so we can feast. Birthdays and holidays together always meant happy bellies at the end of the night. And as fun as the eating would be, I have the fondest memories prepping food with my family. My mom would have me on vegetable duty, and it made me feel like such an adult! Egg rolls were one of my favorite foods to prepare with her.

CUESA: What do you do when you aren’t volunteering for CUESA?

Jocelyn: You can find me out and about enjoying the city with my friends and family or in my kitchen stuffing my face with food. I am always looking for new places to explore and activities to try.

CUESA: What is your favorite part about volunteering with CUESA?

Jocelyn: My favorite part about volunteering has been meeting everyone from farmers to the other volunteers. It’s been a joy being part of such a warm and welcoming group of people.

CUESA: Do you have an insider market tip or a favorite produce item at the market right now?

Jocelyn: When in doubt, honey stick it out?! Ha ha. I love the honey sticks at the market.
