Canteen Meats

John Ginanni and Kaylyn Reyes, along with 4 employees
Husband-and-wife John and Kaylyn started Canteen Meats in 2020. The Bay Area natives were inspired by their travels in Europe a few years prior, where they volunteered and stayed at pig farms. John also worked USDA as a meat cutter and in salumi production. Now, Canteen Meats operates their own CDFA facility in Petaluma, where John and his crew slow-cure the meats, and Kaylyn manages their brand and design. At the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, Canteen Meats offers many cuts, including prosciutto, coppa, lomo, and all kinds of salami.
Canteen Meats sources from local ranchers, including Devil’s Gulch Ranch, Stemple Creek Ranch, Silver Sky Ranch, Liberty Ducks, Beffa Springs, and Pajaro Pastures. 100% of all the pork, beef, lamb and duck are raised in CA – with the majority coming from their neighbors at the farmers market.